Massage is one of the oldest forms of treating musculoskeletal problems and it can also help by monitoring stress build ups in the body, reducing the possiblity of injury.

It can assist with recovery between intense training sessions and help recuperation after injury.

Sports Massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body i.e the skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. The treatment in Sports Massage may include kneading (petrissage), stroking (effleurage), percussion (tapotement), for the muscles, frictions to separate adhesions between fibres, NMT pressures and stretches such as MET and PNF.

It's not exclusive to sports people either, as an injury due to sporting activity is the same as one caused by digging in the garden or twisting awkwardly at work!. It can identify portural imbalances in the body which, if left untreated, create a higher risk of injury.